All About Pride

EVERYONE HAS A PRICE TAG, though in the real world a lot of people can be bought quite cheaply. But mostly, what a person desires is to be treated as the human they are. For instance, recognition for their contribution to a course, no matter how minute – and they are bought!
People rebel mostly because of wounded pride; basically because they are denied the opportunity to express what they thought was their right, or freedom, to put it more suitably.
The worst creatures walking the earth today are men and woman so consumed by their pride that they deny every other person who crosses their path their opportunity. They make it seem like the world was created just for them, and the rest of mankind made to glorify them and grovel at their feet. They find every achievement they have no direct or indirect input into very undesirable or inferior.
When they need you they would turn the world upside-down to bring you on-board, they never – for a moment - consider that you just might have a life of your own other than tending to their needs and dreams. In fact, the slightest indication that you have a ‘self’ would be tantamount to ingratitude. They would go about informing everyone with an ear how much favour they’d shown that you wouldn’t return.  They are also very quick to convert your advice into theirs and reissue it to you as an instruction.
There is no man without pride, even a beggar might find it condescending to do some other things that are not begging. We are driven by our pride, molded by it, and even destroyed by it.  
But it takes real courage to live beyond one's pride. To know when to convert it into something meaningful in order to add to the good of another soul. To know when to put it all down.



  1. I love the last paragraph.

    "But it takes real courage to live beyond ones pride. To know when to convert it into something meaningful in order to add to the good of another soul. To know when to put it all down."


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