Now I Am My Father

When I was a little boy
I thought my father was big
I thought my father was strong

And when he stood like a mountain over me
Ricochets of his voice hitting me from the walls
The world would lose all hiding places

Was she his conspirator?
Was she my savior?
My mother, she would silently look on

The first day I disagreed with him
I remember the way he rose
Raised his hand and then quietly receded

I looked down at him
Felt my strength so strong
And I watched him walk away in a silent concession

Now I look down at my little boy
And wonder how long it would be
When he looks back down at me

2011© Jude Ifeme

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  1. Jude, I love your poem. Very simple but effective. Someone might say you didn't use much imagery but na their toro...well done man...Lovely, well done.

  2. Simple and to the point, iLike


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