My Soul

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I look into my soul; this endless depth!
Much deeper than the Mariana,
Much wider than the Sahara
And unhindered by the sky
Yet sandwiched in this less than sizable
Form, which must someday rot!

I see the true definition of sadness,
The full expression of joy, the resilience
Of the spirit in defeat,
The exuberance of glee.

I see that which will outlive this
Mundane man, that which will reawake
Somewhere much better than here,
Though I believe here, for I live here.
I believe in the power of the soul, silent
And potent – constrained only by transient tissues,
Water and the fears of man

I look into my soul and I see
A path unwind into ceaseless realities
That not even time will contend;
I see my soul; faceless, timeless,


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  1. jude,
    good stuff.
    what a way to explain the intangible.
    should "enless" be "endless?"
    here's one of mine.

    Son,hold my hand and feel my wit
    Stand tall and be colossal,
    For brotherhood,as I know it
    Is fatherhood's apostle.
    By: Arthur C. Ford,Sr.,poet/editor

    1. Simply beautiful. I love the economy of words, but so much has been said.
      Thanks Arthur.


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