Want to Beat Her?

Let’s see. She is running her tongue again and getting you all depressed. You feel your authority is being challenged and you have to make it clear who is the man; you don’t want your friends talking in disregard. You think she is acting loose and if you don’t do a thing about it she would never know how badly you feel, or, bizarre as it might seem, how deeply you love her. We have to put the drink aside for a while; you really wanted to beat her, which is why you got drunk in the first place.

In a way or another we would have seen quite a few women being battered; may be enough to wonder why some would be so maltreated, yet they are still all over their tormentor like clinging ivy; may be enough to wonder why a man would so badly abuse and assault the same individual he claims to love; may be enough to know where to stand on the issue.

A lot of these cases have the same fundamental causes: nagging, fluid temper, jealousy, alcoholism (and their likes), low self esteem, pride and so on. If a woman lets go her tongue and the man unleashes his temper someone had to be beaten up, whichever way. Some may find it justifiable; perhaps the woman should have slowed down. But the question should be: what got the woman irritated in the first instance? If he took a little less energy to find out the cause of her agitation, he would be saving a lot more, including self respect.
Man by nature does not like his authority challenged by a woman in any form. He can though pretend about it, display tolerance (depending on his level of reasoning and patience) but it is a really tough issue in the psyche of every man. The fact that some don’t get loud or physical does not mean they have stopped being men, and if the women take note of this trait when dealing with their men especially in relationship, some sort of stability would be maintained and maintained because most of the wrong things that ever got done were in protection of pride.

Contrary to believe of some women that when a man beats them, that they are exhibiting some inner feelings of love. In reality these are women that have not really experienced love, because love is not supposed to hurt? So they settle for what seems like it, and even desire the most delusive. The man may be returning to give that passionate night after battering you simply because he feels lonely and longs for the attachment he has with you, not love. He may not just want to live with the thought of you in another man’s arms, which is an act of possession, not love.

Women are naturally equipped mothers, and by that standard they are highly possessive and protective, and extremely emotional too; whether they are practical mothers or not, that intrinsic instinct still motivate a lot of their interaction with others, including their lovers. This is one of the reasons a man succeeds in deceiving a woman over once. If you look closely enough you will see that in every relationship, especially in one that a woman is really in love, she tends to believe that she knows the best for the man; that she can best care for him; that she understands him best; that if is she isn’t there he might not do things good. But bad things happen to good things (a mystery of life).

Hitting a woman has not actually shut a lot of women up; it has made a lot of women move from being faithful spouses; it has made a lot become staying wives or partners but not lovers anymore; once you raise your hand against your woman, you have started a death process for that love she has for you.


  1. Nicely put.You got me a little concerned with the begining though.

  2. I agree wih paragrgarpg before last. that was quite thoughtful and true. Good work.

  3. "Hitting a woman has not actually shut a lot of women up"

  4. some women actually deserve to be beaten.

  5. What am to say on this issue? It's all crazy in a crazy world...lol


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